


Expert Opinion

We’ll be happy to provide to you an expert opinion and evaluation in spoken form, as well as in form of a certified document for buying, selling or insuring your instrument, or for other purposes.


Expert Report

Our expert report is a document confirming an expert opinion that allows you to use it for obtaining a musical instrument’s or bow’s passport at the Department of Export and Import of Objects of Cultural Value of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (read more in the Import / Export section



If you have an instrument or a bow that you want to get certified, and you want to get an authenticity certificate from the leading experts and internationally renowned companies whose opinion has authority and raises the instrument’s value, we provide the service of organizing the whole certification process, including wood analysis, for an agreed rate.

Each instrument or bow from a higher price bracket that we sell has an authenticity certificate that confirms their value. It provides an investment advantage for the client in case he or she will want to sell them in the future.